18 September 2018

World Mental Health Day at the European Parliament – mental health for the next generation

Mental Health Europe is set to host an event in the European Parliament to mark World Mental Health Day. The event, kindly hosted by Julie Ward MEP (S&D, United Kingdom), will take place on Wednesday 10 October 2018, 17:00-19:00, in Room A5G305 of the European Parliament in Brussels.


The event will examine how the European Union (EU) is supporting positive mental health for the next generation. Specifically, it will:

  • Examine the EU Youth Strategy and how it supports positive mental health
  • Offer insights from a service provider on practical support for young people
  • Feature a panel of young people giving their perspective on mental health


A more detailed programme will be available shortly. In the meantime, you are invited to register to attend the event. Please note places are limited and registration will close Monday 1 October.





Speakers at the event will include:


Julie Ward MEP

Member of the European Parliament, S&D


Patricia Reilly

European Commission Deputy Head of Cabinet, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport


Natalie Schürmann


profile myndin small

Sara Þöll Finnbogadóttir

OBESSU Mental Health Working Group

Peter McManus

Peter McManus

European Youth Parliament

Zuzana Vaneckova

Zuzana Vaneckova

European Youth Forum board member

More information


Unfortunately, there are limited numbers of places for the event. For further information please contact Robin Murphy on robin.murphy@mentalhealtheurope.org.

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