Coalition & Alliances

The European Parliament Coalition on Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health Europe’s Coalition for Mental Health and Wellbeing in the European Parliament gathers Member of the European Parliament (MEPs) committed to the inclusion of mental health in all policies. Through this Coalition, Mental Health Europe supports MEPs with formulating amendments to legislative proposals, preparing parliamentary questions, with the drafting of own-initiative reports, with organising hearings and events related to mental health and alerting Coalition members about important developments in relation to mental health and well-being at the European level.
The European Expert Group on Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care (EEG)
Mental Health Europe contributes actively to the work of the European Expert Group on Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care (EEG) through which we advocate with 12 other organisations for deinstitutionalisation and the transition to Community-based care in Europe.
The EEG holds seminars and trainings to train and influence the EU to ensure that Structural Funds are only used for the transition and are not used to strengthen institutions.

The European Alliance for Mental health – Employment & Work

The European Alliance for Mental Health – Employment & Work (EUMH Alliance) is an informal coalition of European organisations, the main aims of which are to promote mental health and well-being in the workplace, to advocate for equal access to the labour market for all people experiencing mental ill health and to stimulate policy developments at EU level in these domains.
Alliance for Investing in Children
The Alliance4investinginchildren advocates for the end of child poverty and promotes child well-being across Europe. The Alliance was formed to seek the full implementation of the European Commission recommendation on Investing in Children.
The European Parliament Written Declaration on Investing in Children drafted by the Alliance was successfully adopted with 428 signatures at the end of 2015. The Declaration calls upon the European Commission to introduce specific indicators on children at risk of poverty and urges EU Member States to use EU funding to implement the Commission Recommendation. Mental Health Europe ensures that the mental health of children is not overlooked by contributing to this very active and successful alliance of organisations.

Taskforce on co-production and the support services of tomorrow

MHE co-produced a Declaration on Developing the Support Services of Tomorrow along with several partner organisations and the support of the European Commission. The aim of the Declaration is to lay out the direction support services should take to enable full inclusion of persons with disabilities, including people with psychosocial disabilities, using the UN CRPD and co-production as the cornerstones for the development of future services. The partners are now working together in a Taskforce to promote our vision of the support services of tomorrow.
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