MHE starts working on the ‘Shedding Light’ Project

MHE is delighted to start working on its new “Shedding Light” project, which will look at transparency issues between the mental health sector and pharma industry.Lack of transparency around financial relationships in the mental health sector has led to lack of informed choice for doctors and patients, over-medicalisation of mental health and a worrying reliance on drugs as the main form of treatment for mental ill health.
The main objective of the Shedding Light project is to raise awareness around transparency in the field of mental health and to encourage the adoption of sunshine and transparency laws across Europe.
‘Shedding Light’ aims at providing more information about the role of transparency in collaborative decision-making about treatment and hopes to empower people who seek support for their mental ill-health with their relationship with health professionals.
MHE will develop the project in close collaboration and partnership with other European and international organisations. The project is funded by the Open Society Foundations.
Welcome Marcin!
We are delighted to welcome Marcin Rodzinka to our team. Marcin will work as Project Coordinator for Shedding Light. He has been working in health and human rights for the past 7 years and has experience in health inequalities and transparency issues.
Read more about his background HERE and contact him at
We are looking forward to working with you on the issue, Stay Tuned!
Find our previous work on transparency and sunshine laws in Europe HERE
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