15 July 2022

The Rural Mental Health Project is coming to an end, but its impact will last!

The Rural Mental Health Project (RMH) – started in September 2019 – is coming to end in August 2022. Its legacy, though, has no expiration date, as all the materials developed in the 36 months of duration of the project are publicly available on the Project website (in French, Polish and English)!


Funded with the financial support of the European Union (Erasmus+ Programme), the Rural Mental Health project aimed to address the challenges related to mental health that can be experienced by people living in rural settings, with a particular focus on those more vulnerable (such as young people and farmers). Specific objectives consisted in breaking the stigma around mental health, acting on promotion and prevention, as well as redressing the imbalance between mental health provision in rural and urban areas, via several different community-led avenues. The rationale of the project lay in the consideration that people living in rural areas may experience extra challenges and need additional, tailored support in order for them to fully enjoy their right to health, which includes mental health.


The project consortium brought together Mental Health Europe (MHE), AFEJI (France), Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre (Poland), Merseyside Expanding Horizons Ltd (UK) and Propel Europe (Belgium).


If you are a stakeholder from the rural field (working in educational, youth or employment sectors, a farmer, a religious leader) or if you believe in human rights and have an interest in the topic of mental health, have a look at the RMH project website. You will find different resources, which will help you gain a better understanding on mental health and its socio-economic-environmental determinants; will give you practical tools to (self-)identify first signs of mental health problems and understand who to turn to; will provide you with concrete avenues – in the community- to help yourself and others have a good mental health and thrive.


In details, the project website offers the following resources:

  • Video to break the stigma around mental health
  • Checklist and Info pack for those who are looking for support
  • Inspiring practices on mental health prevention and support from all across Europe
  • Training on Rural Mental Health, including theoretical and practical modules. The training will trigger a reflection on questions such as: What is mental health? How to promote mental wellbeing on an individual and community level? What is the role of nature and arts in improving mental health?


We are interested in your feedback in relation to the theoretical part of the training (the first nine stages: individual, community and societal orientation). Help us improve our work by sharing your comments here.


Feel free to use the Rural Mental Health material and to disseminate it widely among your networks. We count on your support to keep the legacy of the Rural Mental Health project alive!


Thank you!

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