Response to Mental Health Impact of Ukraine Crisis – MH_UKR
About the Project
MH_UKR (Response to Mental Health Impact of Ukraine Crisis) is a Project funded by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM), which aims to increase, improve, support and strengthen the response to the mental health impact of the ongoing Ukraine crisis.
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Project objectives
The key objectives of the MH_UKR Project are:
- Increase timely and tailored mental health support for Ukrainian refugees at community level
- Improve mental health literacy of and support to people in the communities that host Ukrainian refugees –host families, social and healthcare providers, teachers, staff and children in schools, interpreters, volunteers, etc.
- Support the social inclusion of Ukrainian refugees in society and tackle stigma and prejudice towards migrants
- Strengthen local communication and advocacy work towards better mental health policies and services for all.
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Project Partners
The project consortium is comprised of 5 partners;
Mental Health Europe is the largest independent network organisation representing people with mental health problems, their supporters, care professionals, service providers and human rights experts in the field of mental health across Europe. Its vision is to strive for a Europe where everyone’s mental health and wellbeing flourishes across their life course. Together with members and partners, MHE leads in advancing a human rights, community-based, recovery-oriented, and psychosocial approach to mental health and wellbeing for all.

NGO “Mental Health Perspectives” (PSP in short) is a non-governmental organization established in the year 2000, working in the fields of mental health and human rights. Our vision: all mental health conditions are perceived as meaningful human experiences and nobody suffers discrimination or derogation as a result of it. Our mission: to establish human rights based approach to mental health with empathy, respect and person-centered services being at the core of it. PSP has successfully carried out more than 60 national and international projects. We conduct research and analyses, carry out trainings, run advocacy campaigns and monitor human rights, participate in policy making and educate the public about mental health from a biopsychosocial, individual-oriented, and human rights-based perspective.

Artemisszió Foundation has been operating since 1998 as a non-profit organization of public interest. The founders were young anthropologists who wanted to apply their theoretical knowledge and the results of their scientific research to foster social and personal development and open-minded thinking. Artemisszió Foundation is aiming to achieve its objectives through the research, promotion, education and use of the theory and practice of intercultural communication and community building. Our intercultural community is called Mira! where our members can meet and take part in events and actions aiming to foster intercultural dialogue and empowerment. Artemisszió works with 6 staff members and approximately 30 volunteers. The majority of our projects is funded by the European Union. We cooperate on a national and international level with different NGOs, educational centers (schools, universities) and stakeholders.

The Romanian League for Mental Health (RLMH) is an inter-professional, non-governmental organization, founded in 1990 at the initiative of a group of psychiatrists, psychologists and other professionals and which is active in the area of the mental health field and open to all persons or groups interested and preoccupied of this field. RLMH is the first mental health NGO founded and durin over 30 years of existence it has been very active in the elaboration of mental health policies, legislation, service development and education and training in Romania.
Currently the main areas of activity are:
- Information and training for mental health professionals
- Information and training for health professionals
- Information and training for professionals from the education field
- Training and education for people with mental health problems
- Research in the mental health area
- Project development for supporting the innovation in service delivery

The Human Foundation is a very small structure made up of a few people gathered around the same ideas. It is an organisation that aims to work on behalf of people excluded and stigmatised because of their ‘mental illness’. In particular, the Foundation reaches out to people endowed with enormous inner potential who, unfortunately, are perceived by most of society through the prism of false stereotypes and are treated as sick people (implicitly dangerous, aggressive) rather than those who are recovering. The idea of the Foundation is to help them and thus increase their chances of returning to an active and dignified life in society – fulfilling social roles, studying or working. Through awareness-raising activities, the Foundation promotes the development of an informed society, healthy lifestyles, mental hygiene, counteracts discrimination, stigmatisation. It initiates, develops and reinforces attitudes aimed at the full participation of people with disabilities, illnesses and those at risk of social exclusion in society, from everyday life, through learning, professional and social activation to access to the goods of science, culture and the arts. Since 2021, the Foundation has been a member of the Human Rights Commission of the MHE, actively participating in its activities. In addition, it carries out advocacy activities at national and European level.

This project has been supported by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM), a collaborative initiative of the Network of European Foundations (NEF). The sole responsibility for the project lies with the organiser(s) and the content may not necessarily reflect the positions of EPIM, NEF or EPIM’s Partner Foundations.