Let’s Talk About Children

Let’s Talk About Children is a short evidence-based child-centred psychosocial intervention to promote the mental health of children and prevent the intergenerational transmission of problems by identifying strengths, resources and everyday solutions for children, parents, teachers, and the network of families.

In Europe, increasing numbers of children and adolescents seek mental health support and services cannot meet their needs. Furthermore, children’s situation is often neglected when parents seek help in adult services. The three-year project Let’s Talk About Children aims at disseminating and implementing the LTC in ten European countries by training of local LTC Practitioners. The implementation will be sensitive to the local context and build on the specific needs of each site.

Project actions will either aim to promote positive parenting and family life in families in vulnerable situations, such as parents in mental health services or reception centres for refugees and asylum seekers, or aim to take a universal approach by implementing LTC in primary and secondary school settings, providing a tool for home-school collaboration in order for parents and teachers to better understand the psychosocial needs of the children at home and school. Implementation will be supported by raising awareness on children’s needs also among the public, clinicians and decision-makers. Efforts will be made to include LTC in local, regional and national mental health policies, strategies and action plans.

Meet the LTC implementation partners

University of Turku, Finland
Mieli, Finland
Ospedale Niguarda, Italy
Associazione contatto, Italy
Fundacji Sempre a Frente, Poland
NGO Peaasjad, Estonia
Centre for Mental Health Care Development, Czech Republic


If you wish to get in contact with the project coordinators, please send an email to e.delsavio@mentalhealtheurope.org

Co-funded by the European Union

Funded by the European Union under the EU4Health Programme (EU4H)-Grant Agreement Nº: 101101249. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
