MHE updates Toolkit on the review process of the UN CRPD

Mental Health Europe (MHE) is delighted to present an updated Toolkit on the review process of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).
This latest version of the Toolkit brings together practical information to guide our members and everyone who would like to know more about the review process of the Convention and how to contribute to the enforcement of the UN CRPD at national level.
There are four different stages of the review process during which civil society can participate: the reporting stage, the list of issues, the constructive dialogue and the concluding observations. As the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Convention have made the meaningful participation of civil society a possibility at various stages in this process, it is important to be aware of the mechanisms and to know how to use them.
We hope that our members will use it not only for advocacy surrounding the State review process of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities but also as guidance for advocacy in respect of review processes of the other UN human rights treaty bodies which are often largely similar.
Human rights is a very useful policy tool for promoting the rights of the persons with mental health problems but can be also helpful when advocating for better mental health services and care reforms. The CRPD review process provides a great opportunity for civil society involved in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities to engage with their government and UN level human rights advocacy. The reviews can serve as springboards for change and it is well known that many human rights reviews have resulted in real changes on the ground.
If you have any questions or remarks please get in touch with Nikoleta Bitterova, Senior Policy Officer.
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