15 February 2023

MHE training on mental health and well-being at work

Mental health and work are inherently intertwined. As per the definition of the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, to realize their abilities, to learn well and work well, and to contribute to their communities.” 


An adequate and positive state of mental well-being is therefore crucial for every individual through their working life and beyond. As 60% of the world population is in work, workplaces are important fora to promote and protect mental well-being while preventing psychosocial risks. Taking effective measures to protect mental health at work will also positively impact productivity and costs. The WHO estimates that, globally, 12 billion working days are lost every year to mental health problems at a cost of US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity. 


Mental Health Europe (MHE) provides online and face-to-face training on mental health and well-being at work. This training gives a general and introductory framework to understand what a mentally healthy workplace is. It provides tools and advice to promote well-being and addresses psychosocial risk factors at work. 


Our training is developed to answer the following questions: 


  • What is mental health? 
  • What does mental health in the workplace entail? 
  • How to define and recognise work-related stress and psychosocial risks? 
  • What strategies and solution can be put in place to prevent mental health problems, promote and protect well-being and support workers? 


Additional and ad-hoc modules can be included in the training to cover specific needs and requests related to different work environments (e.g., working remotely or in a hybrid environment, inclusive language and communication, etc.). 


If you are interested in MHE’s training on mental health and well-being for your company or organisation, please contact us by email at: info(at)mentalhealtheurope.org 


We will share more information on our offer as well as discuss your specific request to tailor the training to the needs of your workplace. 


Read more about mental health at work

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