30 September 2019

Member Spotlight September 2019

ISEM in a few lines?



ISEM is a Spanish non-governmental network association committed to the promotion of equal opportunities for people with mental-ill health through labour and social inclusion.


Founded in 2002, it consists of 16 full members: foundations, associations and other entities, both public and private, at the state and regional levels:

1. Asociación Murciana para la Rehabilitación Psicosocial
2. Fundació CHM les Corts
3. Fundació Els Tres Turons
4. Fundación Agustín Serrate
5. Fundación Mejorando Cada Día (Avanvida)
6. Fundación Pública Andaluza para la integración social de personas con enfermedad mental (FAISEM)
7. Fundación Benito J. Feijoo
8. Eragintza Fundazioa
9. Fundación Hermanos Ortega Arconada
10. Fundación Intras
11. Fundación Rey Ardid
12. Fundación SASM
13. Fundación SocioSanitaria de Castilla-La Mancha (FSCLM)
14. Fundación Sorapan de Rieros
15. Inserción Canaria


These umbrella associations currently employ 2,000 interdisciplinary professionals working with more than 20,000 people at risk of exclusion. ISEM is also closely linked to ADECEM, an association of 28 Supported Employment centers. It employs more than 1,500 people with disabilities and is included as observer organization in EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities). ISEM is a leading actor in the field of social and labour integration of people at risk of social exclusion, especially people with mental health problems.

What are your main activities?


ISEM currently development these activities:

  •  Coordination of joint projects in the field of mental health and social promotion.
  •  Mutual learning and training with study visits, training seminars, etc.
  • Promotion of positive mental health through mass media and social network.
  • Exchange and transfer of experiences, knowledge, innovations and technology within the field of mental health.
  • Research and promotion of innovative programs in social integration of people with mental ill health, residential care, provide social services, Human Rights, training and itineraries to employment, etc.

What are your main priorities?


  1. Generating a meeting and cooperation network of Spanish organizations that share joint aims of promotion, labour and social integration of people with mental-ill health; as a enduring space of exchange and transfer of experiences, knowledge, innovations, technology, etc.
  2. Being an instrument of joint reflection and decision-making, constituting a decisive voice to advocate the interests of the social sector and representative before the State and European public administrations.
  3. Coordinating common initiatives of its membership, formulating joint the strategies for better results and impact.
  4. Promoting research to improve the quality of life and social inclusion of people with mental-ill health.

Where can we find out more?


  • Visit our web site: https://www.redisem.es/ (English version is coming soon)
  • See our latest tweets: https://twitter.com/Red_ISEM
  • Check out our Facebook timeline: https://www.facebook.com/ISEMSaludMental/
  • Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plataforma-isem-integraci%C3%B3n-social-personas-con-enfermedad-mental/

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