Helplines and other resources for young people
Find a helpline or organisation for young people in your country
With the valuable help of Euro Youth Mental Health and MHE members, we have created this map which gathers helplines or support organisations for young people in all European countries. In a few clicks, this interactive map will help you find more details on support services for young people in your country.
Please do not hesitate to share the map with your network, it may be helpful to one of your friends, colleagues of family members.
These services were still running when our research was conducted. If you find that they have changed or no longer exist, please contact our office. Please note that the organisations featured may or may not be affiliated with MHE.

How it works
Click the country/flag of your choice on the map to find out about existing helplines or organisations. Click ‘more info’ to read short descriptions of these services and access the full list of existing organisations/helplines for young people in Europe.
Please note that MHE has not gathered information on potential conflict of interest of the organisations reported in the map.
Created with support from Euro Youth Mental Health
With the valuable help of Euro Youth Mental Health and MHE members, we have created this map which gathers helplines or support organisations for young people in all European countries. In a few clicks, this interactive map will help you find more details on support services for young people in your country.
View more
Helplines and other services
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czechia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
Nuk je vetëmNuk je vetëm është webfaqe këshilluese e cila ju dedikohet të rinjve dhe paraqet një mjedis të sigurt që të shprehin preokupimet e tyre më intime përmes internetit, dhe në të njëjtën kohë të marrin këshilla profesionale nga ekspertë të fushave të ndryshme.
Alo 116Linja Kombëtare e Telefonit për Fëmijët në Shqipëri “ALO 116” është një shërbim i rëndësishëm për fëmijët në Shqipëri. 111
Linja e Keshillimit per Gra dhe VajzaLKGV hapi Linjën e parë të Këshillimit për Gra dhe Vajza të dhunuara në Shqipëri më 1996. Ne ofrojmë këshillim telefonik si dhe këshillim ballë për ballë për qindra gra çdo vit. Linja jonë ofron këshillim psikologjik dhe ligjor falas, me qellim fuqizimin dhe mbështetjen e grave që janë viktima të dhunës. 117
SozialhilfeObdachlosenhilfe, etc. Caritas Kältetelefon (Obdachlosenhilfe in Kalten Jahreszeiten) Caritas Wien01 480 45 53 (Wien)
Kinder-Schüler-Eltern-Beratungshotline des ÖBVP0512 561734 (Mo – Fr: 14:00 – 16:00)
Plaudernetz CaritasGesprächspartner bei Einsamkeit www.plaudernetz.at05 1776 100
MännernotrufGegen Gewalt und für Hilfe und Entlastung. www.maennernotruf.at0800 246 247 (24/7)
FrauenhelplineGegen Gewalt und für Hilfe und Entlastung. http://www.frauenhelpline.at0800 222 555 (24/7)
Kriseninterventionsteam Steiermark0800 500154 (Täglich: 9:00 – 21:00)
Krisenhotline Salzburg0662 433351 (24/7)
Krisenhilfe Oberösterreich0732 2177 (24/7)
Krisentelefon Niederösterreich0800 202016 (24/7)
Krisenhotlines des KLP (Kärnten)0664 730110147 (Täglich: 10:00 – 20:00)
Krisenhilfe und Beratung nach BundesländernBeratungshotline des BLP, IPR & ÖGK (Burgenland)02682 24690 (Mon – Sa: 10:00 – 12:00)
Der Österreichische Bundesverband für Psychotherapie (ÖBVP)Psychotherapeutische Hotlines www.psychotherapie.at0512 / 56 17 34 (Do – Fr von 14 – 16 Uhr)
Die MöweDas zentrale Anliegen der möwe ist der Schutz von Kindern vor Gewalt und ihren Folgen.
Notfallpsychologischer Dienst Österreich+43 699 188 554 00 (24/7)
Rat auf DrahtFür Kinder, Jugendliche & auch Eltern/Bezugspersonen www.rataufdraht.at147 (24/7)
Sozialpsychiatrischer Notruf (Wien)Psychiatrische Soforthilfe im Notfall (24h) www.psd-wien.at01 31330 (24/7)
Telefonseelsorgefür Menschen in schwierigen Lebenssituationen www.telefonseelsorge.at142 (Notruf) (24/7)
Helpline des Berufsverbandes Österreichischer PsychologInnen | BÖPDas psychologische Beratungsservice des Berufsverbandes Österreichischer PsychologInnen hilft Ihnen kostenlos, anonym und kompetent seit mehr als 20 Jahren. PsychologInnen stehen für Ihre Fragen und persönlichen Anliegen am Telefon und per e-Mail zur Verfügung und ganz besonders in dieser herausfordernden Zeit. 504 8000 (Mo – Do: 9:00 – 13:00)
Kriseninterventionszentrum014069595 (Mo – Fr: 10:00 – 17:00) – also in English
Studierendenberatung Klagenfurt0463/23 482 0699/100 95 316 psycholog.studierenenberatung(at)
Studierendenberatung Innsbruck:0512/507 39601 psycholog-studentenberatung(at)
Studierendenberatung Linz:0732/24 68-7930 psychol.studber(at)
Studierendenberatung Salzburg:0662 / 8044 6500 psb.sbg(at)
Studierendenberatung Graz:0316/814748 0664/883 42 173 psych.ber(at)
Studierendenberatung Wien:01/402 30 91 0664/88 34 21 64
Psychologische Hilfe und Unterstützung für Studierende und Hochschulangehörige
Hotline des psychosozialen Krisendienstes Tirol & der Diözese Innsbruck0800 400120 (Täglich: 8:00 – 20:00)
Sorgenhotline Wien01 4000 53000 (8:00 – 20:00)
Centre de Prévention du Suicide0800 32 123 (French)
AWELAwel luistert naar kinderen en jongeren www.awel.be102
Zelfmoordlijn18131813 (Dutch)
General helpline106 (Flemish) 107 (French)
Violences Conjugales0800 30 030
SOS parentsUn numéro de téléphone pour les parents qui sentent le stress monter0471 414 333
Service Public de Wallonie1718
L’AViQAgence pour une Vie de Qualité 16 061
КабинетСпешна психотерапевтична помощ и емоционална подкрепа
АнимусГореща линия за пострадали от насилие 1 86 76 02 981 76 87
Национална телефонна линия за наркотиците, алкохола и хазарта:На страницата можете да намерите и анонимен чат: (0) 888-99-18-66
Кожа – платформа за психично здраве
Na ovoj stranici pronaći ćete popis telefonskih brojeva za nove podatke o COVID-19 ili za pružanje psihološke pomoći.
Ličko-senjska županijaNovi besplatni broj psiho-socijalne podrške.0800 11 88 Linija za gluhe i nagluhe osobe 091 120 0028 Komunikacija će se odvijati putem Vibera i SMS poruka
Modrá linka608 902 410
LasteabiIf you are under 18 years old or know someone who is and needs help or advice 111 (open 24/7)
EluliinFor emotional support if you are feeling mentally unwell655 8088 (Estonian, 6am-6pm) 655 5688 (Russian, 6am-6pm)
European organisations
Valtakunnallinen mielenterveysneuvonta020391920
Tukinet chat (for adults)
Sekasin chat (under 30 years old)
MIELICrisis Helpline Support and help for foreigners 2525 0113 09 2525 0112 (for foreigners) 09 2525 0113 (in Arabic and English)
SOS Crisis Centre Helplines:925250111 (Finnish) 0925250113 (English)
Service National d’Accueil Téléphonique de l’Enfance en Danger119
Suicide Accoute0145394000
SOS Suicide Phenix01 40 44 46 45
Solidarité FemmesContre les violences faites aux femmes
SOS Amitié09 72 39 40 50 (French) 0146214646 (English)
Public Health Foundation of Georgia116 111
KrisencompassDie app zur suizidprävention
Die TelefonSeelsorge Deutschland8001110111
Mausthemen – CoronaAnimationsvideos für Kinder, die die Fragen zur Korona beantworten.
BDP-Corona-HotlinePsychologische Beratung in Corona-Krisenzeiten
Γραμμή SOS 1056 για Παιδιά, Έφηβους και Γονείς1056 (24/7)
Εθνικό Κέντρο Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης197 (24/7)
Βία Κατά Των Γυναικών15900 (24/7)
Γραμμή Βοήθειας για την Κατάθλιψη1034 (Mon – Fri: 09:00-21:00)
NANE segélyvonalNők és gyerekek elleni erőszak áldozatainak és segítőiknek (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 18:00 to 22:00, Wed: 12:00 – 14:00)
Öngyilkosság-megelőzési segélyvonal06 80/505-390 (free and anonymous, from 19:00 to 7:00)
Kék Vonal Gyermekkrízis alapítványA Kék Vonal Gyermekkrízis Alapítvány értetek jött létre: gyerekekért, tizenévesekért és fiatal felnőttekért. Azért, hogy Neked is mindig legyen kihez fordulnod! számára 116-111 (24/7) ✆ 137-00 (munkanapokon 17:00 és 21:00 között) felnőtteknek: 116-123 (24/7) idősek számára: 06 80 200 866 (18:00 – 21:00, külföldről: 19:00 – 20:00)
Call for HelpA CallForHelp szolgáltatásai az EAAD magyarországi tevékenységeihez kapcsolódnak. Céljuk a lelki egészség védelme, és a mentális zavarok, különösképp a depresszió, valamint az öngyilkosság cselekményének megelőzése. 700-4788 (for everyone) (1) 770-8877 (people working in social field)/ (1) 770-7333 (healthcare workers)
DelutanTelefonos és online lelkisegély szolgálat. Hívjon minket bizalommal, ha elmúlt 40 éves! A fiatalabbakat chaten, e-mailben és Skype-on várjuk. 06 80 200 866
PSZI PONT – PRO BONOÖnkéntes pszichológiai segítők kapcsán
Raudi KrossinnÓkeypis – Trúnaður – Alltaf opið Hjálparsíminn1717
National Freephone CareLineFamily Carers Ireland is the national charity supporting the 500,000 family carers across the country who care for loved ones such as children or adults with physical or intellectual disabilities, frail older people, those with palliative care needs or those living with chronic illnesses, mental ill-health or addiction. 800 24 07 24
Dunlewey HelplineDunlewey was founded in 1987 and has been providing specialist services to those experiencing addiction issues ever since. We have branch offices in Belfast, Lisburn, Armagh and Portadown, and access to counsellors in the Republic of Ireland. 800 936 725
LGBT HelplineWe’re here to listen in confidence and without judgement, seven days a week. You can talk to us by phone or online through our instant messaging service or by coming along to one of our peer support groups. Whatever is on your mind we’re here to listen.
Dublin Rape Crisis CentreSince 1979, The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre has worked to prevent the harm and heal the trauma of sexual violence. We work with people who have experienced sexual assault, rape or childhood sexual abuse.
ChildlineChildline is always here for every child and young person. Chat. Call. Text. 66 66 66
Male Advice LineUnder the mission statement: “Better Lives for Men; Better Lives for All” the Men’s Development Network works with men on various levels including one-to-one, developmental, parenting, behaviour change group work, training, phone line support and awareness raising.
Pieta HouseTelephone and text-based support counselling for people who are suicidal or engaging in self-harm Text HELP to 51444 (standard message rates apply)1800 247 247 (free, 24/7),
Connect CounsellingAnonymous professional telephone counselling service for survivors of physical, emotional and sexual abuse including former residents of Mother and Baby Homes. 477 477 (free, Mon – Sun: 6:00 – 23:00)
Turn2MeFree online counselling and online support groups for people over 18. The first of its kind for Ireland free, 24/7 text service, providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support for people going through a mental health or emotional crisis – big or small.
Bereavement CounsellingAll Helplink counsellors are qualified and available for you 7 days a week to support you and/or your loved ones with counselling assistance when you are going through the bereavement process. 99 88 80
MyMindWebsite where you can arrange both face-to-face and online counselling. Free if affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Reduced rates (€20) for students. 818 500 800 (from Ireland) (+353) 1 223 8651 (from outside Ireland) (+44) 20 33 22 44 99 (UK and NI)
SamaritansEmotional support to anyone in distress or struggling to cope. http://www.samaritans.org116 123 (free, 24/7)
Telefono Amico ItaliaTelefono Amico Italia è l’organizzazione di volontariato che dal 1967 dà ascolto a chiunque provi solitudine, angoscia, tristezza, sconforto, rabbia, disagio e senta il bisogno di condividere queste emozioni con una voce amica.
Nuk je vetKëshillim online për të rinjët.
Linja e JetesLinja e jetës është qendër telefonike për parandalimin e vetëvrasjes. Çdo thirrje do të jetë plotësisht anonime dhe trajtohet pa gjykime. (falas, çdo ditë, 18:00 – 2:00)
TOKITUSTokitus is an online therapy platform offering personalized and affordable self-care with accredited professionals in your language. We unite the best therapists from all around the globe providing 1-on-1 counselling in 10+ languages and 10+ different types of therapy combined.
Kanner Jugendtelefon“International Child Helplines Day” – the Kanner-Jugendtelefon 111
SOS DétresseOffers support in: Luxembourgish/French/German/English/Portuguese/Spanish
Foundation for Social Welfare Services Malta:179 – in English
- wishes that all individuals are safe, respected, dignified, feel well and realise their goals and potential. The operational team is here to support you in your journey towards achieving these.
Richmond FoundationSupport in English:1770 (24/7)
Crisis Resolution Malta99 33 99 66
MindlerWalitatieve, eerlijke en laagdrempelige zorg die makkelijk toegangbaar is, dat is waar Mindler voor staat. Wij vinden dat iedereen goede psychische hulp verdient, ongeacht inkomen of woonafstand. Wij brengen digitale techniek en professionele zorg samen. Dit maakt effectieve behandelingen voor iedereen mogelijk.
‘Alles oké?’Daar kunnen 18 tot 24-jarigen naartoe bellen als het even niet lekker gaat. Alles is bespreekbaar, contact is gratis, anoniem en je zit nergens aan vast.
De DepressielijnDe landelijke Depressie Vereniging is dé patiëntenvereninging van en voor mensen met een depressie en hun naasten. (10.00 – 12.30, 14.30 – 17.00, 19.00 – 21.00)
MIND korrelatieMIND wil psychische problemen voorkomen, mensen die hiermee te maken hebben ondersteunen en zorgen voor meer openheid en begrip. Whatsapp: +31 6 13 86 38 03 (Mon – Fri: 09.00-17.30)0900-1450 (Mon – Fri: 09:00-18:00)
Zelfmoord preventie0800-0113 (24/7, free)
De LuisterlijnVoor een luisterend oor en een goed gesprek per telefoon, chat of email
North Macedonia
Бесплатна правна помош – Хелсиншки комитет за човекови праваУслугата е наменета за сите деца со попреченост и нивните семејства кои во некој момент се почувствувале дискриминирани.+389 (0) 2 3119 073 +389 (0) 72 278 436 и по пат на електронска пошт
Сојуз на специјални едукатори и рехабилитаториУслугата е наменета за родителите на деца со одредени задоцнувања во развојот, како и родителите на деца со попреченост кои се на возраст до 6 години. Закажете термин нa телефонскиот број:+389 (0) 74 222 148
Влада на Република Северна Македониja – Побарај психолошка поддршка072 912 676 – психолошка поддршка на родители на деца од предучилишна и училишна возраст 072 919 009 – психолошка поддршка на возрасни лица во самоизолација: 070 241 807 – психолошка поддршка на граѓаните на општина Дебар и општина Центар Жупа, во соработка со Општа Болница Дебар: 070 241 807 070 291 574 – психолошка поддршка за родители на деца со попреченост: 078 378 728 – психолошка поддршка за тинејџери и нивните родители: 078 378 766 – трудниците и родилките на кои им е потребна психолошка поддршка: 072 919 009 – психолошка поддршка за лица со нарушување на слухот, говорот и гласот преку Viber 072 919 009 – психолошка поддршка за лица во самоизолација на албански јазик
Универзитетската клиника за психијатрија+389 72 912 676 – поддршка на менталното здравје и психо-социјална поддршка на родителите на деца со попреченост погодени од кризата со КОВИД 19 +389 72 919 009 – психолошка помош за луѓето во самоизолација
Министерство на здравство0800 002 03 ( безсплатната телефонаска линиja )
Fundacji CzłowiekTu powstaje interaktywna strona z bazą adresową jednostek leczniczych oraz lokalnych grup wsparcia dla osób po kryzysach psychicznych i ich bliskich.
Stowarzyszenie AnimoDziałamy na rzecz osób z zaburzeniami lękowymi. 270 11 65
Linia Dzieciom24/7 free helpline for children and teenagers, parents and teachers. 080 222
116 111116 111 – telefon zaufania dla dzieci i młodzieży od 12 lat prowadzi Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę, która bezpłatnie pomaga dzieciom, które doświadczyły różnych form przemocy. Telefon jest anonimowy, bezpłatny, całodobowy i dyskretny. 111
Kryzysowy Telefon ZaufaniaOferta Poradni kierowana jest do osób dorosłych w kryzysie emocjonalnym, potrzebujących wsparcia i porady psychologicznej, rodziców potrzebujących wsparcia w procesie wychowawczym oraz osób niepełnoprawnych. Poradnia Telefoniczna 116 123 udziela pomocy psychologicznej osobom doświadczającym kryzysu emocjonalnego, samotnym, cierpiącym z powodu depresji, bezsenności, chronicznego stresu. 123
ITAKA – Centrum WsparciaLinia Wsparcia jest linią całodobową i bezpłatną dla osób dzwoniących. Pod telefonem, mailem i czatem dyżurują psycholodzy Fundacji ITAKA udzielający porad i kierujący dzwoniące osoby do odpowiedniej placówki pomocowej w ich regionie.
Linha de apoio psicológico para estudantes universitários220 408 408
Voz de ApoioA Voz de Apoio disponibiliza apoio emocional gratuito, de caráter pontual, anónimo e confidencial, sem julgamentos. Se sente preocupação com alguma coisa, não a guarde só para si. 50 60 70 (21:00 – 00:00)
Telefone da AmizadePode contar-nos o que sente. Nós ouvimos todo o tipo de problemas. Não contaremos a ninguém o que nos disser. A nossa escuta é confidencial e anónima. 832 35 35(16:00 – 23:00)
SOS EstudanteOferecemos uma linha de Apoio Emocional composta por estudantes do ensino superior preparados/as para auxiliar aqueles/as que precisam de um espaço anónimo e confidencial para desabafar. 484 020 969 554 545 915 246 060 (20:00 – 01:00, except on school vacations)
SOS Voz AmigaLigue-nos. Nós escutamos. 209 899 (21:00 – 00:00) 213 544 545 (16:00-00:00) 912 802 669 (16:00-00:00) 963 524 660 (16:00-00:00)
Conversa AmigaA linha “Conversa Amiga” é um serviço de atendimento telefónico com o objetivo de prestar apoio e acompanhamento emocional a todos os cidadãos. 237 327 210 027 159 (15:00 – 22:00)
SNS 24Aconselhamento psicológico no SNS 24 24 24 24 (24/7)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise300 051 920 (Mon – Fri: 8:00 – 00:00)
RespiroFree online counselling
Linia telefonică de prevenire a sinuciderilor0800 801 200
PaxonlineAsistență psihologică online pentru medici
ATLASAsistență gratuită pentru profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății (24/7)031 630 2020
Linie telefonică de asistență psihologică pentru persoanele afectate de epidemia de noul coronavirus021 9696 (daily, 09:00-21:00)
Посебни телефони Института за ментално здравље:За младе и родитеље деце до 18 година060 364 11 79 (За младе и родитеље деце до 18 година) 060 364 11 80 (За особе старије од 18 година)
Телефон за психосоцијалну помоћ грађанима0800 309 309
Pomôžeme – Krízovej linkeSme tu 24 hodín denne pre tých, ktorí sa ocitli v akútnej psychickej kríze či v ťažkej životnej situácii.
League for Mental HealthLiga za duševné zdravie je nepolitické, charitatívne, humanitné, neprofesionálne, nezávislé záujmové združenie občanov a právnických osôb a jej cieľom je aktívna podpora duševného zdravia. 800 566 0800 222 450
Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravjeStrokovnjaki s področja duševnega zdravja v času epidemije COVID-19 na voljo za razbremenilne pogovore
Služba za otroško in mladostniško psihiatrijo Maribor samo dopoldan02 22 86 353 02 22 86 354
Pediatrična klinika, Sprejemno triažni oddelek – urgentna ambulanta01 522 92 41
Psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana Polje urgentna ambulanta01 587 21 00
Enota za krizne intervencije za odrasle, Grablovičeva 44b, Ljubljana,01 587 4922
Enota za adolescentno psihiatrijo za mladostnike, Grablovičeva 44b, Ljubljana01 587 49 55
Day center Ljubljana01/ 230 78 46
Center za zmanjšanje škode zaradi drog Ljubljana05 933 85 32 3
ŠENTZa brezdomce v Ljubljani030 645 304
Ženska svetovalnica, krizni center031 233 211
TOM – telefon za otroke in mladostnike116 111 (every day between 12:00 and 20:00
Zaupni telefon Samarijan116 123 (24/7)
Klic v duševni stiski01 520 99 00 (every day between 19:00 in 7:00)
Nacionalna informativna črta(+386) 41 443 443 (Mon – Fri: 16:00 – 00:00, Sat and Sun: 12:00 – 00:00)
ASAPMEASAPME refuerza la atención psicológica a jóvenes ante el covid-19 69 00 64
Líneas de apoyo psicológico:91 700 79 89 para familiares de personas enfermas o fallecidas 91 700 79 90 en el caso de profesionales 91 700 79 88 para la población en general con dificultades derivadas del estado de alerta.
Colegio de la PsicologíaEl Colegio de la Psicología habilita un teléfono de apoyo. 03 98 91
BRISBris, Barnens rätt i samhället, är en av Sveriges ledande barnrättsorganisationer som varje dag kämpar för ett bättre samhälle för barn. Här hittar du allt som är aktuellt just nu på Bris. 111
Äldrelinjen020-22 22 33
Mind Sjavmordslinjen90101
SwitzerlandUrgences santé
Genclik Destek Hatti0850 455 00 70
Lifeline UkraineЛінія запобігання самогубствам.
Онлайн-консультации Teenergizer
United Kingdom
ChildlineIf you’re under 19 you can confidentially call about any problem big or small. 11 11
SHOUTText service to support anyone, anywhere and at any time who may be experiencing a challenging time with their mental health Text SHOUT to 85258
SANEEmotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers Textcare: comfort and care via text message, sent when the person needs it most Open every day of the year from 4pm to 10pm on 0300 304 7000 (serving the UK and Northern Ireland).
YoungMindsInformation on child and adolescent mental health. 802 5544 (Mon – Fri: 9:30 – 16:00)
HOPElineUK0800 068 4141 (every day: 9:00 in 00:00)
PAPYRUSYoung suicide prevention society
Men’s Health ForumStress support for men by text, chat and email – (24/7)
CALMA charity providing a mental health helpline and webchat http://www.thecalmzone.net0800 58 58 58 (every day between 17:00 in 00:00)
NHS helpline111
Samaritans116 123