Launch of Report on analysis of legislation, policies, care frameworks and funding schemes

The Report
How do policies, legislation, care frameworks and funding schemes impact on the mental health of informal carers and long-term care (LTC) workers? What is the role for long-term care in our societies? Why should we care about carers? These are the main questions explored in a report published in the framework of the WELL CARE project.
The Report builds on the combined expertise of the project consortium and partnerships, on mental health, informal care, LTC provision for older people and people with disabilities.
It provides an explanation of the broader determinants shaping mental health, followed by a state of play and an overview of risk factors and prevention measures in relation to the mental health of LTC workers and informal carers. The current EU policy climate with the core relevant policies – in relation to LTC and mental health- is also outlined, explaining the main entry points within the EU agenda.
Snapshots for each project country are included, assessing how LTC frameworks, funding schemes, policies and legislation impact on the mental health of the two target groups. Key recommendations for policymakers at EU and national level on how to take action to support LTC workers and informal carers are put forward.
Taking concrete actions to support the mental health of long-term care workers and informal carers will ensure the fulfilment of fundamental rights and crucial European values, such as the right to receive accessible, affordable, good quality long-term care; gender equality; and the right to health, which includes the right to mental health. In addition to the human rights argument, taking action to support the mental health of both informal carers and long-term care workers will allow EU countries to address urgent challenges they are facing, related to the sustainability of long-term care systems, opportunity costs of reliance on informal carers, and the costs related to increasing mental health problems in our societies.
About the WELLCARE project
The WELL CARE is a 48-month project funded by the European Union, under the research and innovation programme Horizon Europe (Grant Agreement no. 101137468). The overall goal of the WELL CARE project is to strengthen the supports available to LTC workers and informal carers for improving their resilience and mental wellbeing.
Our vision
Our vision as WELL CARE project partners is that of a Europe where care and mental health are considered as a value and a right in themselves and where different actors at community level are involved in the care process, on an equal footing, based on the recognition of each actor’s respective knowledge and expertise.
We call for human centred care systems, where the human rights of all actors involved are promoted and everyone can thrive. We believe that good quality care is strictly dependent on the wellbeing of those who provide it.
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