14 December 2020

An inclusive EU4Health Programme is needed, says EU4Health Coalition

Together with 25 NGOs, members of EU4Health Coalition, Mental Health Europe is calling on the German Presidency of the Council to ensure an inclusive EU4Health Programme to better meet the needs of people in Europe.


The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted that civil society must be involved in shaping health policy at national and European levels, to better connect Europe to Europeans and their needs. The EU4Health programme represents a unique opportunity to learn the lessons from the crisis and ensure that Europe is more responsive to people’s expectations in the future.


The EU4Health Steering Board, proposed by the European Parliament with the direct involvement of public interest civil society, complements the expertise of the Member States and EU institutions. It will ensure a clear and meaningful role for civil society in the governance of the programme, facilitating co-production and ensuring a concrete platform for civil society involvement.


Ahead of the second trilogue on the EU4Health European Commission proposal, the EU4Health Coalition, which Mental Health Europe is a part of, sent a letter to Minister Spahn to highlight the importance of clear and meaningful participation of civil society organisations in shaping the future of health in the EU.

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