Mental Health Europe is not responsible for the content of external events featured on this calendar

How do you do co-creation in mental health?

People have the right to participate in decisions and processes which affect them, and there is a growing demand for the systematic protection of this right for people with lived […]

Let young people speak: co-creating mental health with youth

Instagram Live

ONLINE Instagram live with Renaz and Cătălina Popoviciu Tuesday, 14th May at 17:30 CEST on @mentalhealtheurope Instagram account. Join the conversation with journalist, DJ and social activist Renaz & psychologist […]

Get Out & Vote!

ONLINE Mental Health Europe is hosting the 5th edition of the European Mental Health Week between 13-19 May 2024, under the theme “Better Together: Co-creating the Future of Mental Health”. […]

Mental Health Europe is not responsible for the content of external events featured on this calendar
