Mental health matters

This 2021 European Mental Health Week, we asked you to use your voice and act for mental health.
We wanted to get as many people as possible talking about mental health in Europe. Your commitment and support for getting behind this year’s European Mental Health Week are greatly appreciated. You weren’t alone on this journey. Below you can see some of the highlights from different parts and in different languages across Europe.
The ongoing pandemic and coronavirus restrictions have put a strain on all of our mental health. Now more than ever, we all realise that our mental health matters.
Check out this lovely video series where our Spanish members Fundación INTRAS who work to support people with mental health problems on their journey to recovery in Spain tell us why #MentalHealthMatters
To mark the week, we hosted a series of Instagram Lives. Each day throughout the week, we were joined by a special guest to discuss some of the many aspects of mental health. Learn why mental health matters to some of them.
The mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be seen long after the public health crisis recedes, according to a wide range of policymakers and stakeholders. See some of their messages of support and solidarity.
For the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides mental health is a lifetime commitment. Along with a call for better access to mental health care, she reminds us that there is no health without mental health, or as the Greek saying goes – a healthy mind in a healthy body.
This week is #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek
The past year has shone a light on just how precious our mental health is.
Coming together sharing experiences learning from each other and supporting one another in solidarity is crucial in this difficult time ➡️— Stella Kyriakides (@SKyriakidesEU) May 10, 2021
#COVID19 obliged us to reduce social interaction & increased insecurities. Some of us lost loved ones or had major upsets to our lives.
More than ever, it is important to come together, hold conversations and support each other.#MentalHealthMatters#EuropeanMentalHealthWeek— Helena Dalli (@helenadalli) May 10, 2021
Looking after our mental health is so important, especially as we live through this difficult period.
Let’s make sure we look after one another, lend a helping hand when needed and share our stories.
#MentalHealthMatters— Nicolas SCHMIT (@NicolasSchmitEU) May 13, 2021
Now more than ever, #MentalHealthMatters
Behind coronavirus, a mental health emergency has spread like a silent pandemic, across Europe and the world.We are working to:
💚 promote mental health
💚 prevent mental illness
💚 improve access to treatment#EuropeanMentalHealthWeek— European Commission 🇪🇺 (@EU_Commission) May 11, 2021
Today, the #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek starts.
More than a year into the #COVID19 pandemic, the #MentalHealth impact has been overwhelming, with consequences felt across society.
Mental health matters, now #MoreThanEver 🙏🏼
#MentalHealthEU #HealthUnion
— EU Social 🇪🇺 (@EU_Social) May 10, 2021
Workers returning to the workplace after a period of isolation are likely to have worries about the risk of infection.
These worries may result in stress and mental health problems.#MentalHealth matters, now more than ever#europeanmentalhealthweek
— EU-OSHA (@EU_OSHA) May 10, 2021
Members of the European Parliament’s Coalition for Mental Health and Wellbeing shared their wellbeing tips to mark the week and highlighted the need for a comprehensive, overarching European Mental Health Strategy.
This week marks #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek!
It’s been a rough & tough year for everyone, so why not take the time to call a friend, have a chat & a cupán tae, and check in with your mental health and theirs.#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay
— Frances Fitzgerald MEP (@FitzgeraldFrncs) May 13, 2021
I am proud to support #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek because our #MentalHealthMatters – now more than ever.
Join in if you agree and help us shine a light on the importance of #mentalhealth in everyone’s lives.
Learn more:
— Estrella Durá / ♥️🇪🇺 (@estrella_dura) May 10, 2021
Happy #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek!
In recent years, there been an unprecedented push from civil society to tackle the serious Mental Health Crisis in Europe💪
Now we call on the European Commission to designate 2023 as the European Year for Mental Health 🇪🇺#MentalHealthMatters
— Alviina Alametsä (@alviinaalametsa) May 12, 2021
Muy contenta de haber promovido con @RenewEurope este documento que aborda de forma integral la salud mental, tanto a nivel nacional como europeo🇪🇺
No hay salud, sin salud mental.Os dejo una reflexión y me sumo a la Semana Europea de Salud Mental #europeanmentalhealthweek 👇
— Soraya Rodríguez (@sorayarr_) May 10, 2021
In 2019, 1 in 6 people across the EU were experiencing poor mental health and 1/3rd of them did not have access to proper care. Following the pandemic, many more will be suffering. We need:
💶 Better funding
❌ To end the stigma
🏘️ Community-based care#EuropeanMentalHealthWeek— European Greens (@europeangreens) May 14, 2021
The results of the third round of #COVID19SurveyEU by @eurofound are out:
🔹 #MentalHealth at its lowest level since the start of the pandemic
🔹 #Inequalities on rise
🔹 #Trust in institutions declinedLearn more ➡️
— EU Social 🇪🇺 (@EU_Social) May 10, 2021
Who is most vulnerable to mental health challenges during the #COVID19 pandemic. #EUfunded RESPOND project aims to identify those groups most at risk & determine what influences their risk of vulnerability. #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek
— Horizon 2020🇪🇺 (@EU_H2020) May 10, 2021
#DYK depression is among leading causes for disability in 🇪🇺? Its cost: 1% of EU’s GDP. Check out the new section on #MentalHealthEU at the health gateway for
•Risk factors
•Strategies & policies to prevent poor mental health #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek
— EU_ScienceHub (@EU_ScienceHub) May 10, 2021
Now, more than ever, our #MentalHealthMatters. For more than 15 years, we have worked with countries and stakeholders to:
🙋promote mental health🤸prevent mental illness
🧖improve access to treatment
Read more 👉 #HealthUnion
— EU Commission Malta (@ECRepMalta) May 11, 2021
Pandemija koronavirusa primorala nas je da više pozornosti obratimo na mentalno zdravlje.
Uskoro počinje #online događaj u sklopu #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek 👉 #HealthUnion #TogetherWeCan
— EK Hrvatska #BudućnostJeVaša (@EK_Hrvatska) May 10, 2021
The #MentalHealth of people around the world has worsened since the onset of the #COVID19 pandemic, with the number of people experiencing depression more than doubling in some countries.
Access to integrated mental health services must be a priority. 👉
— Stefano Scarpetta (@stescarpetta) May 13, 2021
We are thankful to all our members, partners, supporters and stakeholders for the overwhelming support and for getting involved in European Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.
Let’s remember that it’s not just one week. We all have mental health. It is essential to our humanity and unites us. We must continue to break down the stigma: through education, conversation and legislation step by step, all year round.
Now, more than ever, our #MentalHealthMatters for children and youth.
UNICEF is urging EU Member States to prioritise:
💚Developing intervention packages for mental health
💚Advocating for the most vulnerable
💚Sharing best practices
— UNICEF Office for Relations with EU Institutions (@UNICEF_EU) May 10, 2021
Stress, anxiety, loneliness… The #COVID19 pandemic affects all of us. During #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek we thank #RedCross & #RedCrescent teams in Europe/Central Asia who’ve given mental health & psychosocial support to 1.8 million people in the last year. #MentalHealthMatters
— Birgitte Bischoff Ebbesen (@BirgitteEbbesen) May 11, 2021
There is no health without #MentalHealth, which is especially true in the context of #COVID19. Across the #EU, #RedCross Societies carry out diverse activities to promote mental health and provide psychosocial support. 💙#MentalHealthMatters #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek
— RedCrossEU (@RedCrossEU) May 12, 2021
#MentalHealthMatters because 1 in 4 people in the world will be affected by a #mentalhealth problem at some point in their lives.
Thank you for raising awareness around mental health with us @consaludmentalYou can join, too
— Mental Health Europe (@MHESME) May 12, 2021
It’s #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek. The past year has been challenging for all of us. More than half of all working days lost in the EU are caused by work-related stress. Mental wellbeing shouldn’t be underestimated. #EndStress
Mental health does not exist in isolation. Our social environment has a huge impact on our well-being. #Homelessness can affect #mentalhealth & mental ill-health can aggravate homelessness.
We acknowledge this intersection & thank @FEANTSA for raising awareness with us 💚
— Mental Health Europe (@MHESME) May 12, 2021
For the #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek CESI asks for more commitment towards recognizing occupational health and safety standards, especially regarding psychosocial risks. EU needs a new framework especially following the pandemic. #AllWorkersCount #MoreThanEver
— CESI Independent Trade Unions (@CESIpress) May 10, 2021
It’s been a remarkably difficult year for all of us on a global level, and LGBTI communities have carried additional burdens. So now it’s especially important to take care of our mental health and wellbeing. #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek
— ILGA-Europe (@ILGAEurope) May 10, 2021
Mental health does not exist in isolation. Our social environment has a huge impact on our well-being. #Homelessness can affect #mentalhealth & mental ill-health can aggravate homelessness.
We acknowledge this intersection & thank @FEANTSA for raising awareness with us 💚
— Mental Health Europe (@MHESME) May 12, 2021
More than ever, it is crucial to keep our #healthcare professionals, and in particular #nurses, protected from chronic stress and poor #mentalhealth.#MentalHealthEU #MentalHealthMatters #wellbeing #nurses
— EFN (@EFNBrussels) May 10, 2021
As frontline workers, military personnel have to perform unusual tasks during the #COVID19 crisis which might affect their health and #psychological well-being, during but also after these assignments. Support is thus needed. #MentalHealthMatters
— EUROMIL (@EUROMILeurope) May 10, 2021
The continuous stress of #Poverty, the discriminations experienced by pple on very low income, the institutional & social violences, the conscious or unconscious humiliations…
Life in #Poverty has a strong impact on #MentalHealth!
Because #MentalHealthMatters, #EndPoverty!
— All Together in Dignity Europe (@ATD_Europe) May 11, 2021
It’s #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
DYK pets bring many benefits for #MentalHealthEU? #PetPower = companionship and supporting mental health
— AnimalhealthEurope (@animalhealthEU) May 12, 2021
🤝 In honor of #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek, our Health, Safety & Wellbeing Director, Benjamin Legg, talks about the importance of supporting the mental health of our employees in this interview with @IOSHmagazine. #MentalHealthMatters
— Ferrovial (@ferrovial) May 10, 2021
📢 En la #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek de @MHESME recordamos que la atención a la #SaludMental es un derecho, y no un privilegio #MoreThanEver #MentalHealthMatters #LaSaludMentalEsImportante
— SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA (@consaludmental) May 12, 2021
#LaSaludMentalEsImportante antes, durante y después de la pandemia por el #COVID19. No obstante, en la actualidad, según múltiples estudios, estos problemas de #salud han aumentado #MoreThanEver #MentalHealthMatters #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek
— SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA (@consaludmental) May 15, 2021
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