8 July 2019

MHE partners with civil society to develop a Guide for new MEPs

Mental Health Europe joined forces with 26 civil society organisations from across health, development, social affairs and other sectors to develop A Guide For A Healthy Europe. This publication provides newly elected Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) with the guidance how they can improve people’s physical and mental health in Europe. It explains what MEPs can do to ensure implementation of health, including mental health, in all policies.


Specifically, MEPs are encouraged to:

  • Make health a strategic priority in the next EU 2019-2024 strategic agenda and legislature
  • Support strong governance to ensure the implementation of health in all policies
  • Introduce a health impact assessment mechanism to evaluate the potential impact of new policies and proposals on health
  • Adopt effective EU-level policies to create enabling environments for physical and mental health for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and obesity.


Considering that health and social justice issues have been considerably demoted on the list of EU priorities in the last legislature, the new Parliamentary term presents a unique opportunity to put people’s physical and mental health back at the centre of EU policy-making. New MEPs can take forward a strategic leadership role to decrease health inequalities, to increase the years people spend in good health and to reduce societal costs related to ill-health.


“We are happy to offer this guide to all MEPs knowing that it is truly free of commercial interest and will encourage elected representatives to act in the interest of all citizens,” said Marcin Rodzinka, Advocacy and Policy Officer, Mental Health Europe. “To amplify our efforts and to ensure the inclusion of mental health in all policies, we are re-establishing MHE’s longstanding Coalition for Mental Health and Wellbeing in the European Parliament,” he continued. “If you are an MEP and you are keen to become a recognised champion of positive mental health, join our Coalition. You will stand up for human rights and demonstrate your commitment to improving mental health outcomes for all Europeans in the most transparent and independent way,” Marcin Rodzinka concluded.


For a complete list of recommendations and contact details of different organisations with more specific thematic expertise, download A Guide For A Healthy Europe below.

Download the Guide

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