12 December 2018

MHE together with partners signs Joint Declaration

This year’s European Day of Persons with Disabilities was the occasion for MHE and partner organisations (EASPD, Inclusion Europe, European Disability Forum, European Network on Independent Living and COFACE Families Europe) to renew their commitment to work on co-production and the support services of tomorrow.


This Joint Declaration aims at providing a common understanding between partners on the direction support services should take to enable full inclusion. It also lays the ground for future discussions and cooperation between signatories towards this end.


The objective of this cooperation aims at:


  • Improving trust between stakeholders and understanding of each other’s position.
  • Finding common solutions on how to strengthen a human rights-based approach in European policies and processes.
  • Developing guidelines and exchanging promising practices on support models in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Strengthening cooperation with mainstream stakeholders and involve them in discussions and processes.

Click below to read the Joint Declaration here : 

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