26 April 2018

Register now  for the IIMHL 2018 in Sweden

MHE is proud to be part of the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL), a unique international platform that creates opportunities for mental health leaders. MHE will co-host two sessions, called “matches”, during the event next month in Sweden . The two matches will take place on 28-29 May. More information here: https://iimhl.se/matches-iimhl/

One of the matches will focus on  ‘The right to work in practice – from stigma and segregation to human rights and integration” and will take place in Stockholm, please watch the presentation video below to find out more: 

The other match will be in Gothenburg and discuss “When mental health meets Human Rights”. Please watch the video below to find out more: 


If you have a leadership position in the mental health field, you are welcome to join these matches. To register, please follow this link: https://iimhl.se/matches-iimhl/.

We hope to see you in Stockholm and/or Gothenburg next month! 




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