26 January 2021

Liuska Sanna joins MHE as new Acting Director

We are pleased to announce that Liuska Sanna is joining MHE as Acting Director and will be leading the organisation during the temporary leave of Claudia Marinetti (February – September 2021).


Liuska worked for over 16 years in rights-based international and European networks, mainly in the health sector and in organisations focusing on children’s and women’s rights. She initially worked in the field of sexual reproductive health and rights with International Planned Parenthood Federation – European Network (IPPF EN) and subsequently as Programme Manager at the European Patients’ Forum. Ms Sanna worked prominently on patient involvement and empowerment, health inequalities, research and medicines’ development, eHealth and Health Technology Assessment (HTA).

Liuska Sanna

More recently, Liuska has been the Director of the End Female Genital Mutilation European Network and holds experience in association management. Additionally, she has expertise in strategic planning, programme development and management, policy and advocacy work, membership development and capacity building.


Speaking about joining MHE, Liuska said: “I have known MHE for years through previous job positions, and I have always admired its mission and work. It is, therefore, an exciting opportunity for me to join the organisation, although temporarily. In the coming months, I intend to focus on ensuring continuity and stability in leading the organisation.”


Liuska will start on 1 February. We look forward to welcoming her to the MHE team!

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